Escape the grip of the “ego self,” the place of reactivity, and lower order emotions, feelings, images, thoughts, drives, impulses, desires, intuitions, and sensations.
Access the Higher Self, observer mind, rationality, reason, truth, justice, and love, all the way to Holiness and the Divine.
How to manage the relationship of the soul to the ego self and higher self.
*physical ailments and other factors are taken into consideration and participation in this part of the program can be evaluated on a case by case basis.
Identify patterns of dis-connection
Explore moral meaning of thinking
Explore moral meaning of behaving
Use day to day issues to teach
Re-integrate judgment and action
Practice resolving conflicts
Identify adaptive function
Explore moral meaning of feeling
Explore where we're trapped
Mechanisms of transformation
Re-integrate the affect and logic
Career Interests
Professional Strengths
Professional Weaknesses
Mock Interviews
Educational Goals
Post-Treatment Goals
Job Search Goals
Whole Group Engagement
12 Step Goals
Post-Treatment Housing
Group Support
Personal Aspirations