a minimum of 2 individual therapy sessions per week
4 group sessions per day
12 Step, Refuge Recovery, and NAMI meetings
weekend outings: hiking, bowling, movies, paddle-boarding and more
morning reflection and meditation
weekly neurofeedback session
psychiatric assessment and weekly monitoring available
health and fitness groups and gym
case management assessment and counseling
community lunch and dinner
transmagnetic stimulation relief for depression and anxiety
ketamine assisted therapy for depression and anxiety work
approximately 0-30 days
These phases of care are focused on safety and acclamation, developing a healthy routine and bonding with the community.
Clients come to treatment in a state of dis-regulation and internal conflict. The primary purpose of the first phase of treatment is to begin to feel safe and stable and to acclimate to a new environment, new people, and sobriety itself. The structure of treatment in the first phase reflects this new reality. The primary recovery task in this first phase of treatment is achieving a sense of safety. Our rules and restrictions provide a safe framework to heal and grow.
Full Day Treatment
Computers Permitted after 2 Weeks
Community Meals
2 Individual Sessions
Restricted Personal Phone Usage
Transportation Provided
24 Hour Staff Supervision
Recover Integrity Phones available 24/7
Small House Jobs
approximately 30-60 days
Forming trust with community and staff, developing a recovery identity, having a sponsor and working steps (or being engaged in alternative structured methodology) are the tasks of Phase 2.
Clients at this phase have acclimated to treatment and the community and are beginning to engage in the deeper work of recovery. Often there is a feeling of plateau, which is a sign to move deeper into the work, not taper down.
Full Treatment
Small House Job
2 Individual Sessions
Community Meals
Staff Available 24/7
Transportation Provided
Passes with Sponsor
approximately 60-90 days
Managing transition, good communication, solid program and healthy connections are the focus for Phase 3.
Clients at this phase are senior members of the community, being of service and an example to the newer community members. They have a sponsor, are well into their step-work and have formed a bond with the community and staff. The focus is on implementing re-integration into life outside of treatment. For some people this is bringing recovery into an established life-system, for others it is beginning to establish a healthy life-system. At this phase, clients are still engaged full time in treatment services but are looking for, or beginning to, work and pursue larger life goals. Treatment days begin to taper to accommodate other life obligations: family, work, education, and other pursuits.
Personalized Treatment Schedule
Small House Job
2 Individual Sessions
Community Meals
Staff Available 24/7
Transportation Provided
Passes with Sponsor
Personal Phone Usage
Transition to Part Time Work or School
approximately 90-120 days
Clients at this stage have built a solid foundation and are receiving support as they consolidate and utilize what they’ve learned.
Phase 4 clients have transitioned from treatment into full time life activity work/school/family/social. Clients have created a recovery support network, have a sponsor, are deep in their step-work, and are of service in the sober living house and Recover Integrity treatment program. Clients at this stage have freedom with accountability and have created a plan to move out to a lower level of care. Clients have arranged for continued therapy after treatment and are attending aftercare. Clients will have access to Recover Integrity’s treatment during the day, however it is not mandatory.
Working a Minimum of 25 Hours or in School
Overnight Passes
Minimum of 2 Individual Sessions
No Restriction on Personal Phones
Able to Leave on Own During Lunch Hour
Freedom to Come and Go with Accountability
Full Vehicle Access
Small House Job